March 9th 2025
Welcome to Rome Baptist Church, an international fellowship of believers following Jesus in the center of the eternal city.
Join us online Sunday 9:30 for the Bible studies and 10:30 for worship in English, and check out the many other ministries and events in our community to get involved. Whether you’re in Rome for a matter of days or a series of years, we would love to get to know you as we seek the kingdom of God together!

Devotional materials are on the back table. Sunday School books are on the 2nd floor.
Our Sunday services are being live streamed on the romebaptist Facebook page.
SUBSCRIBE TO DEVOTIONALS, “Stand Firm” OR “Journey” See Elly or Jun.
YOUTH CELEBRATION after the service on the 2nd floor. See Lara.
FREE ENGLISH CLASSES Tuesday evenings at 18:30. Four (4) levels offered.
PRAY WITH US Thursdays at 19:30 on the 2nd floor or E-mail for the zoom link.
LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY (Habakkuk) All women are invited to join on the 2nd floor at 10:00 in person or at 16:30 on Zoom Thursdays. Contact Cathy for the link.
BSF MEETS ON WEDNESDAYS AT 19:00. “Revelation“. See Stella.
STUDIES Philippians: Sunday 16:00 /Genesis: Tuesday 17:30 / I Chronicles: Thursday 15:00 / Acts: Friday 10:00 / Revelation: Friday 18:30 See Dave with Questions.
MEN’S RETREAT: If you are interested, please sign up on the table in the entry.
AMERICANS can deduct their contributions to RBC by making offering checks payable to IBCM with a notation that it is for Rome Baptist Church. Tax receipts are provided at the end of the year.
IBAN: Banca Popolare di Sondrio, IT89A0569603226000004716X01
Explore Our Vibrant Ministries: Connecting Hearts and Lives in Faith
Bible Studies
We have several different Bible studies during the week. Starting from Sunday school at 9:30 and all the way to other Bible classes.
Learn more and join what you like most. Live or in Zoom.
Teen Group Meetings
If you are 19 years old or younger join us every Sunday after the service. And contact us for other meetings we have.
Young Adults Meetings
Every Sunday around 13:30 we have Students and Young adults meetings with lunch and Bible studies.
You are invited to take part in any of our activities in the future. If you would like to know more about becoming a Christian, being baptized or have a desire to become a church member, please talk with the pastor after the service.