Devotional materials are on the back table. Sunday School books are on the 2nd floor.
Our Sunday services are being live streamed on the romebaptist Facebook page.
YOUTH CELEBRATIONS join us on the 2à floor after the service. See Lara.
PRAY WITH US Thursdays at 19:30 on the 2nd floor or E-mail for the zoom link.
BSF Wednesdays at 19:00 on the 2nd floor. See Stella
LADIES BIBLE STUDY Thursday 10:00 in person on the 2 floor and 16:30 on Zoom. Esther is the topic. See Cathy for information and a copy.
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP Those interested will meet next week after the service.
RBC NEEDS a part time treasurer with accounting experience. Please see Dave.
ENGLISH CLASSES have resumed. Bible studies at 17:30. English classes at 18:30
AMERICANS can deduct their contributions to RBC by making offering checks payable to IBCM with a notation that it is for Rome Baptist Church. Tax receipts are provided at the end of the year.
IBAN: Banca Popolare di Sondrio, IT89A0569603226000004716X01